If you have been convicted of a crime, you may be sentenced to probation. Violating a term of probation may carry serious consequences, depending on the nature of the violation. If you violated probation, you may need to appear before the judge in a probation violation hearing. It is important that you hire a lawyer to represent you in this hearing. Having an experienced defense attorney can make a difference in the outcome of your case.
With thousands of successful case results and a proven track record to our name, including probation violations, our Merced probation violations lawyer has the knowledge and experience to help you achieve a favorable resolution.
How We Can Help Your California Probation Violations
When convicted of a crime, the judge may impose jail time, probation, or both.
If you violated the terms of probation, the judge may impose consequences such as:
- Revocation of probation and imposition of sentence: The judge may revoke your probation and impose the original sentence. This may include jail time depending on the circumstances of your case.
- Extended probation: The judge has the authority to revoke the defendant's probation and reinstate a longer period of probation.
- Counseling or other diversion programs: The judge may ask the defendant to attend rehabilitation or counseling for drugs, domestic violence, sex, etc.
- Reinstatement of probation with different terms: The judge may revoke the defendant's probation; however, reinstate it with additional terms such as counseling, community service, etc.
Our experienced criminal defense attorney at Tenenbaum Law Firm can negotiate alternatives to jail time, including those listed above. We will look at the nature and severity of the probation violation. We may argue that you were in substantial compliance with the terms of your sentence, and that a technicality is not worth jail time. We will then work with you to come up with a plan to present to the court to show that you will stay compliant with your probation for the remaining term.
Call Our Merced Defense Lawyers for a Consultation
Whether you have violated probation, parole, or driver's license revocation, hiring an experienced lawyer is in your best interests. Tenenbaum Law Firm is ready to advocate on your behalf.
See what over two decades of proven experience can do for your case – Contact us today!